Friday, October 2, 2009


New research shows that most babies born in rich countries, USA , will eventually make it to their 100th birthday…since the 20th century people in developed countries are living three decades longer than in the past, and the trend shows little sign of slowing down.

While illnesses affecting the elderly like heart disease, cancer and diabetes are rising medical advances are making it possible for them to remain active longer…

And the obesity epidemic complicates matters…

The point is for youngsters, and you know who you and they are, should eat properly, exercise, go to college, marry well if so inclined, and plan on getting very old…OH, and save money to take care of yourselves when Medicare is abandoned soon.


Julie Hibbard said...

I feel so healthy and so strong and exercise and eat right and watch my weight and LOVE my job...
I plan to be at a baseball game the night of my 100th birthday!
And I'm taking you with me!

PETE Di LALLO said...

You'll let me know what's going on won't you, I mean at the ballgame...and you're driving I hope...and give me a jab in the arm when it's time to jump up and shout...and help me eat the foot long
But let's do it on my 100th not yours...come to think about it how about on my 70th?