Wednesday, September 9, 2009


The next top ten…

During TV summer re-run season we watched some of the following programs once or twice and then never again…

Some of these programs should have or may have already been canceled…

1. Deal or no deal…drove me nuts with contestants going for the big bucks and failing…pure greed is what is was and too sad to watch…

2. Don’t Forget the Lyrics…there’s nothing worse than people trying to sing when they can’t carry a tune…

3. According to Jim…not a program a young husband should watch…not too exciting watching idiot men talking down to their wives…

4. Are you smarter than a 5th grader…very annoying…too difficult for me…?

5. King of the Hill…I don’t know anyone who watches this one…I may have too low an IQ to understand…and a pain to watch for more than two minutes…

6. Lost…need I explain how they lost my viewing beginning the second year? Year two left me wondering what happened to the kidnapped kid…too many new people; how many passengers did that plane carry?

7. Desperate Housewives…very similar to Lost above…too many wives, to many boyfriends, and I liked to go to bed at 9:00 PM on Sunday nights…

8. Parks and Recreation…this one looked like it promised good stuff semi-related to my business but failed miserably…not funny…much more fun to read instead…

9. Prison Break…the first episode should have been the last…I just didn’t get how they could make a series out of a prison break…

10. Ugly Betty…why didn’t this lovely girl quit after she read the script…the title of the show and the show were dumb…


Julie Hibbard said...

I have never seen any of these shows. (Never heard of most of them!)
Keep your life simple and pleasant by limiting your TV viewing to just a few channels:
Fox Sports Net
Fox Sports Net 2
MLB Channel

Really, is there anything else?

Julie Hibbard said...

PS GREAT photograph!!!!

Gina Vistaunet said...

Ok, I agree with you on all of them except Prison Break. Seriously, I have seen every one. I love that show. Ok, maybe its because all of the guys in it are totally hot. Start from season one, and watch them all. Super good show.

PETE Di LALLO said...

I bet you watch TV more than I do...
Aren't the Dodgers on the tube?
We both like Fox Sports Net, and Net 2, ESPN...add The Golf Channel for me...
the programs I mentioned were watched once or twice and we watched them because of summer reruns...

I like your comment...(it's nice when a kid agrees with me) but the Prison Break show didn't make sense to should have been called "A Prison Break a Week", and then I would never have bothered seeing it".

Julie Hibbard said...

You're probably right. Hour for hour, I watch 2-3 a night...sometimes even sneak in an Andy Griffith episode!
I am already getting nervous about the long baseball-less winter months ahead.
I may break down and rent all the seasons of Prison Break!

PETE Di LALLO said...

Julie Ann,
You are a fantastically funny commenter...