Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Animals are as important as trees, grass and flowers…really?


Bringing lunch to work most days gives me a good opportunity to read but yesterday I forgot to bring the current book I’m reading…in my office library I picked up an old favorite book: ‘Patterned Language’ and while thumbing thru it discovered a chapter on animals saying there is some evidence which suggests that contact with animals may play a vital role in a child’s emotional development…

When our kids were young we always had a cat or two and a dog…I remember the good times as well as the times I had to pick up a stiff cat who had died in our back yard or on the next door neighbor's lawn...

They often came home with ‘free’ cats picked up from the front of the grocery store or when they drove cars, a dog would be brought home from the pound…hard to forget Gina and her dog Duke…we were all shaken up after Duke was run over on Muirlands Blvd. the day before her wedding…

Later we bought Sadie, a Springer Spaniel, at the pet store and she was one of our favorite dogs for many years…

I’m sure now that all the animals we had were somewhat responsible for our kids being so well adjusted and brilliant!!!! but at the time had no
idea how important it was to have pets…

And unknowingly until now, but thankfully, I’ve given all our grandkids hundreds of horsey back rides for years…


Julie Hibbard said...

I hate dogs. And cats. And my kids always knew it.
The dog hair, the fleas, the pile in the back yard that one of Zac's friends would always step in. Disgusting. They bark, they pee, they tear up things. They SMELL!!
Seriously, I am not sure what part of all that helps kids emotionally develop. It drove me nuts.
I will never own another animal.
But thanks for the great blog on how much fun it should have been.
Peace, Love and Bennie were great.
And Duke and Tarzan and Mooshtab.

PETE Di LALLO said...


I wanted to keep my post on a positive note...
I know YOU never bought a dog or a cat!!!

and your children came out?

must be exceptions to the rule...

Gina Vistaunet said...

Well my kids are destined to totally f'd up. We don't even own a fish. And if my kids ever came home with a "free" cat or dog or anything..... I would make them take it back.

I do remember Abby having a litter of kittens in you Porsche. I would NEVER put up with that crap.

BTW, I never liked Sadie. She was one stinky dog.

SarahD said...

Don't forget about Zoe the Nazi Doberman.
Or how 'bout a blood transfusion for a baby kitten?

So, today I saw my neighbors SLAUGHTER A COW.
I was mortified back into vegetarianism.

Love you.

Eliane said...

Julie, you are I are on the same boat on that one!!!!
I love cats...dead ones.