Saturday, February 9, 2008

When I close my eyes...get in the car...

'71 VW Van..the all time favorite family ride...

A hybrid from way back...
Thankful for what I have...

'97 Volvo plain and simple...drove it until the wheels came off...

'63 Pontiac Tempest it on! A car that sped!

'88... one of our best family friends

'90 Family style Dodge Caravan...had it for a long time...this sucker wouldn't die...

'55 Ford...If only I'd kept this one...

'03 One of my favorites...

05 Honda...Momma's car

'63 Buick Opel wagon...when we were poor...

'88 ...Everyone should drive a Caddy at least once but wouldn't want to drive this one today...

'86-911 THE 'RIDE'

'67- 911 S ...My first true love...six carbs, five speed...HIGHWAY STAR

'65 Chevy Bel Air for all the girls...we lived in Norwalk and this car fit in well...

'51 Ford...had it for a short time...another one I wish I still had...ours was red...was a nine passenger, three in front, three in middle and three in rear seats.

'49 De first car, $50 total, replaced convertable top for $150...such a deal...

I'm still wondering where this one is...'50 Buick

Hydro-matic, lowered in front, WHIPLASH! ...priceless!


Julie Hibbard said...

This is your best post to date! LOVE LOVE LOVE cars! I have SO many memories of EACH of these! I learned to drive in the Cadillac and took my driver's test in the wagon with the paneling (you don't have a pic of that one!)
I remember mom driving me to kindergarten in the Ford truck. It was green, right? And the Opel Cadette! I remember laying in the back window!
Of course the BEST memories include the 911 Porsches. Aaahhh...LOVE that car.

Allison said...

I love this post! Way to go!
So fun!

Gina Vistaunet said...

You are so funny. I love that we had an Opel when we were poor. Good one.