Monday, February 18, 2008

Give it up for...


For Roman Catholics, fasting is the reduction of one’s intake of food for one full meal a day, on Fridays and means no meat. The Church requires performance of some form of penance at certain times of the year, especially during Lent. Catholic law allows up to two small meals or snacks, but these can not be greater than a full meal. Fasting relates to solid food, not to drink, so any amount of water or other beverage may be consumed. Do you think wine drinking priests added this clause to Pope Pius VI’s Apostolic Constitution in 1966? A clause making it appropriate to substitute prayer and works of charity for fasting was also included if a person’s job was strenuous, if one was ill or if one was invited to a banquet when fasting may be embarrassing. They thought of everything.

Lent is a full forty days of fasting and abstinence beginning on Ash Wednesday and continuing until noon of Holy Saturday, the day before Easter. Children under fourteen and adults over sixty are exempt.
Being over age sixty I’m not required to participate but being a recovering Catholic, guilt demands giving up something.
I give up old John Wayne movies on Fridays, but only during Lent.


Julie Hibbard said...

Remember you used to give up Alligator Wrestling?!
I am giving up sex. Yeah...
Same thing as Alligator Wrestling!

Allison said...

When Bum said that, I totally laughed...what a funny and ridiculous thing to give up for lent.

Gina Vistaunet said...

Super funny. I gave up being mean to my daughters. Or, like when I was younger, fighting with my brothers.

brad johnson said...

I give up cheetos and tequila. But I'm adding chocolate and cognac.

I give up guilt and shame, but only for 40 days....I would have made a GREAT Catholic, or Jewish mother.