Monday, August 6, 2007

Where did the word 'blog' originate?

I make it a habit to read "Ask Marilyn' in the Sunday Parade section of the L.A. a relatively new blogger I couldn't pass up the opportunity to post her response... I didn't know what 'blog' meant...

"The word 'blog' is short for "Web log", a site one establishes for the purpose of putting one's thoughts on line for the edification or amusement of visitors, who may leave pieces of their own minds before departing."


Julie Hibbard said...

What a perfect definition! I am amused at your comments and don't mind leaving a few of my own. That Marilyn!!

Steve Adams said...

I would leave you a piece of my own mind before leaving, however, I'm a trifle short on extra pieces. I'm going to try and make it Thursday. I leave on vacation Friday so I have lots to do prior. Great to see you and Donas again. Let's not wait for Bob and Stella's 100th to get together. I don't think I could handle another Brian soliloquy.

Heather McTaggart said...

Oh Mr. Pete...where or where is your addiction radar??? Should be posted here...could it be that you aren't so proud to say that your score was lower than mine...I actually beat SOMEONE! Still needing a Pete post...yes, I realize time, family, work and golf are more important than blogging...but catch up my friend!

PETE Di LALLO said...

Miss Heather,

Addiction / Shm-addiction...
You are just hard to beat!!!

Heather McTaggart said...

Yes I am and don't EVER forget that! I am a tough chick...ask anyone! Miss your blogs buddy!