Tuesday, August 14, 2007

A random thought

A while back a young, talkative (and dumb) clerk at a fast food place asked me how it felt to be old...I was somewhat shocked and she was embarrassed too after she saw my reaction...I told her it was an interesting question and I'd get back to her...I ain't ever going back to her!

But I did think about it a lot and came to the conclusion that it wasn't bad to be old...for the first time in my life I might be the person I always wanted to be... not my body, wrinkles (I see them as laughlines), pot belly and sagging butt...when I look in the mirror (not that often) I see my Dad and once I saw my Mom (scared the hell out of me) but I didn't look too long and I don't think about it much...

I'd never trade my wife and family and good friends for more hair, or a flatter belly...I can't see my sagging butt so it doesn't matter...

I sneak an extra cookie when I can, drop my clothes on the floor once in a while, buy an expensive book, or new driver or putter...I feel entitled to treat myself, to be messy or extravagent...

I've been to too many funerals and seen too many friends leave this world too soon...before they understood the freedom that comes with aging...
I will dance and sing to tunes of the 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's and more...
I can, but would never walk on the beach in front of pitiful glances from youngsters...I will play golf, a lifetime sport...As I get older it's easier to be positive and I don't care what other people think, and I can be wrong sometimes and it doesn't matter...

To answer the question, I like being old and free and I will eat dessert any time I want to...I'm gonna have some tonight...a office friend just handed me a chilled Mocha from Starbucks so I gotta go...


Gina Vistaunet said...

Nice blog. I think you look wonderful and the girl at the fast food place is stupid. Hence, she works at a fast food place. You should have asked her what it felt like to be dumb.

I, however, would trade in a couple of family members for less wrinkles and a flatter belly in a heartbeat!!! I'm not telling you which one's, but I think you can figure it out!

Julie Hibbard said...

I too would trade a family member or two for a smaller butt and a few less "laughlines"
I am glad you had a bit of that dessert tonight...it was delicious!

Heather McTaggart said...

This is one of your best blogs ever Mr. Pete! I have to agree with Gina SHE WAS A DUMB GIRL! I want to be young but I also LOVE being old, old enough to make some really smart choices and some really silly mistakes! I love to purchase things that make me happy now and throw my clothes on the bench at the end of my bed (not the floor) but let the pile get big till I realize I can't find that one special top! Silly stuff but I love to make really smart choices that come with age too! I too would trade MOST of MY family (want them?) for a few NEWFOUND wrinkles, saggy "places," and a great dessert! This was a great blog my friend!