Thursday, July 26, 2007

If I could be...

Julie tagged me...

If I could be a famous person I would be Johannes Gutenberg, inventor of the printing press...I would have revolutionized the making of books... The Bible, science books and eventually my favorite authors...

If I could be a famous celebrity I would be Robert De Niro...he played good guys, bad guys and funny guys in movies, he won 2 Acadamy Awards...he's the "Godfather of actors and of course he's Italian...

If I could be a famous athlete Yogi Berra would be it...famous for his quotes!
one of my favorites:

"You gotta be very careful if you don't know where you're going, because you might not get there"

I wouldn't want to be but would love to play piano like Dr. John...
wouldn't want to be any other of my favorites...Chuck Berry, B.B. King, a Beatle or Eric Clapton...

If I could be a famous Christian Mover and Shaker I'd be Ignatius of Loyola who founded the Society of Jesus (The Jesuits), one of the most inflluential of Catholic orders.
I attended Loyola High School in Montreal and my favorite grandson attends Loyola Marymount...
Ignatius was Spanish...fairly close to Italy!


Julie Hibbard said...

Good answers!!! you should have tagged Heather!

Gina Vistaunet said...

Dad, did you google your answers?? Or are you that smart. You make mine look shallow and dumb.

PETE Di LALLO said...

GINA,if you must know, I hand wrote my choices for each and googled only the spelling of Johannes Gutenberg...

HEATHER,you know what's coming's your turn...GO GIRL!! We're all waiting for one of your typically outstanding blogs...

PETE Di LALLO said...

There's nothing shallow and dumb with your blogs and are the most honest, funniest, sincerest and best blogger I know...when you get old and decrepit like me you will know a lot of semi-useless things like me...
blogs are made to entertain and have fun with...they aren't that important and no one judges you...
chill out and keep blogging...when no one responds to your blogs it'll be time to hang up your computer...but it ain't gonna happen to you trust me?and I'm not talking as a father even though I'm very proud of you for blogging...
now tell me, is there one or two G's in blogging? this is not a test...

Brent said...

Great answers Pete. Very ambitious.

Allison said...

Hooray Pops! You're so smart to choose Gutenberg...

Heather McTaggart said...

UMMM, friend, it's been a long time..I did 3 blogs TONIGHT...count them 3! Catch up or let's do breakfast, HAS TO BE THIS WEEK OR NEXT! Early Wednesday before we head to the beach to surf????Or Tuesday lunch? PICK ONE!?!? HUH HUH???!!!

PETE Di LALLO said...

Julie's out of town Tuesday and it looks like we can have something to eat next week...
by the way I enjoyed your bunch o' blogs lately...
and, you look good with no make-up...

Heather McTaggart said...

Thanks for the uplifting words. Next week I have conference at work then I think Julie leaves. It looks like Julie is going to have to bring you to my house on the Harbor...oh darn..relaxing while visiting...can't wait! Be THERE, NO EXCUSES!

PETE Di LALLO said...

That dang Julie always tripping somewhere...I forgot about her European tour coming up...
Your Harbor House it will have to'll be 'tough' but I will be there, no excuses or nothin'...

Heather McTaggart said...

I can't wait!