Friday, June 3, 2011

King and Kindle---Kool

I have to wrap up what I started yesterday...that Kindle Post about Stephen King's novel, UR...this morning I woke up very early, made some coffee and sat down to begin reading the book I downloaded from the sky yesterday...It wasn't my first Kindle read; that was John Grisham's The Confession; but it was one of the best in a long time...well, not that my other reads were not fun, but Stephen King is an author that makes it difficult to stop reading...

This story is totally vintage Stephen King even tho he spent a good part of the story explaining how the Kindle works, what it can and can't do; I learned a few things about my Kindle like having the thing read aloud to me, which I didn't try to do because I've always hated anyone reading to me...and I don't mean I hated the reader, and I will never, ever turn the feature on, unless I develop blindness in which case I will call Dr. Kevorkian, oh wait, he died yesterday, so I'll have to shoot myself...

The story is about how a college professor orders a Kindle and how he learns to use it... he discovers some unusual features in his that King has a way of doing in his stories...but that's another the way, this one's way too short...I read for about two hours before the family got up, three cups of coffee later I had to stop reading and, er, go to a job site...we'll be starting a new project next week and I needed to take a few photos of the site before we begin designing...I thought about bringing my Kindle along and stopping for lunch at Denny's to read, but I thought it best to get back home to eat and save a few bucks...

It was late this afternoon when I got back to finishing the book and it only took me a few more hours to do it...I wasn't the most fatherly or grandfatherly guy today because I was too impressed with my Kindle and the story...I think King must have adored his Kindle and wrote the story as a love letter...
It's one of the best $2.99's I've spent lately...

1 comment:

Julie Hibbard said...

I have to get this one. I love everything Stephen King!