Thursday, April 14, 2011

Directions? I don't need no stinking directions....

In March of 2007 I posted my first the count was at 307 posts...this is No. 308...that's about 77 per year and I'm proud of that...did you know my daughter Julie has probably posted ten times that amount?

My birthday was a few weeks ago and the family threw a party for me and about 100 of my closest friends and relatives...yeah, I even have relatives who are was a happy day and one I'll remember forever...I saw almost all the people I care about and all the people who care about me were there...

I received tons of gifts including gift cards to some of my favorite restaurants as well as to Barnes & Noble and Amazon which came in very handy as I was gifted a Kindle e-book from my was something I had hoped to receive...I'd been thinking about buying one for several months especially after spending time cleaning out bookshelves taking books to the library and Goodwill...

The neat thing about Kindle is that books are available for about 1/3 the price of hard copies, including N.Y. Times best sellers...books range from a few bucks up to around $12...on top of all that there are I think 12,000 books available for free...yup, for free...books like Black Beauty, Robinson Crusoe, the Holy Bible, all of Charles Dickens, Mark Twain, Edgar Allen Poe, all the old classics, like, bunches of books...

When I tried to register the Kindle I had a little trouble and called my grand daughter Allison, who is a genius with computers and also owns a Kindle... she came over and helped me set it up...she made it look easy and before I knew it I was reading a few hours after purchasing a new Clive Cussler novel for myself and a Mary Higgins Clark for Mrs.D. ..I also picked up a free Count of Monte Cristo that I read when I was 12 years old...

I love the options on the device enabling me to kick up the font size and even the word spacing on a page...I did that a few times until I found the combinations I liked...and, it automatically bookmarks where you stop reading...
a few times I switched from Cussler to Alexander Dumas' Count just to see if I could do it and it worked like's a piece of cake to operate and I can't wait to read, read, read...the Kindle is about the size of a pocket book, weighs less than a real book and is much easier to hold...turning pages forward or backward is's even possible to write notes in the margins like a real book but I don't care to find out how to do it...

I originally thought I now could sit in our TV room with Mrs. D. to read in the semi-darkness but no...surprisingly there is no light emitted from the pages...I would need to sit near a lamp to read...this afternoon I picked up Sunny at school and while I waited in my car I noticed I could read the e-book with sunlight reflecting directly on it...just like the really is the coolest thing...

With the three or four Barnes and Noble gift cards we took a trip there today and I bought a hard copy of Mary Higgins' book so Mrs. D. can start reading'll be a long time before she can borrow my birthday gift to read it on the the next few days I'm going to look at the 'free' list again and set up my library in it...I don't know how many books it can hold but I'm going to find out...can I delete the books after reading them? I don't know...I think I can pass the books on to other Kindle's probably time I read the
directions ...but then I'll have to stop reading my books and I don't want to's way too much fun...
Thanks Julie, Gina, Debby, Leesa and Sarah...


Julie Hibbard said...

Just so you know, Bre and Allison also contributed to the purchase of the Kindle and its cover!
SO glad you were able to get it up and running. I DO think it has a 'backlight' so you can read in the dark. Ask Allison how to set that up!
Think of all the trees you are saving now and how 'hip' you are to keep up with technology. Good for you.
Maybe I'll get a Kindle for MY 70th birthday...I can only imagine what they will have out at that point!
Happy Reading!

Allison said...

Unfortunately, there is not a backlight feature. That's the one big difference between the ipad and the kindle.

But, it will hold thousands of books...I can't imagine you will have to delete any to make space for more, but if you do, I can help you figure that out!