Friday, March 13, 2009


Facebook has creeped into the workplace and creating some sticky situations for employers and employees…We send friends quick posts and share photos…everything is instant…'instant!...I still haven't learned how to post pictures, thank God...

You may know someone whose postings got them in hot water with the boss, but it isn’t always what you post, it’s what your friends post…

Use privacy settings to block some friends and your boss…Think about it …

I don't have a boss but I'm thinking of blocking some of my 'unusual' Facebook friends...

Like the sergeant on Hill Street Blues always said: “Be careful out there!!!”

1 comment:

Julie Hibbard said...

There are no secrets on Facebook...and once your photograph is taken, it will be shared and reshared and distributed to all 410 of my friends and their friends, and so on and so on...
I try to keep it very surface.
But I freaking love it.