Friday, February 20, 2009


After all these days of learning to manipulate Facebook (it's been at least three weeks since my kids befriended me to join), I hardly use it to write anyone...
but  Donas is nuts about it after reading mine, so she is on Facebook too...
I wall-to-walled her a few days ago when she 'friended' me and I confirmed with a post saying "now that we're friends, what were we before?" I haven't heard from her since...she's is always on the computer and loves to 'talk' to her friends...

When I get home now I can watch hockey and golf with no interruptions!

I'm expecting  a phone bill soon that we can afford...
I love Facebook!!

p.s. During TV commercials she comes in to tell me that her niece, 'what's-her-name' , is taking her kid to pizza after her soccer game...


Julie Hibbard said...

So glad she's figuring it all out! She's the perfect customer for Facebook...and will end up having more friends than all of us!
Glad it's working well for you too!

Gina Vistaunet said...

Yeah! If we only knew that would have kept her quiet, we would have hooked her up years ago!