Sunday, February 15, 2009


I’ve never given any thought to the question of dog longevity until last week when I saw Paul McCartney on a TV Awards show…I looked him up and when I discovered how old he is I just about CROAKED…he is the same age as me!!! Holy Cow!!!

If you can’t trust anyone over 30, should you listen to anyone over 60?

Not being one to lie (much) about my age I thought of celebrities and athletes who are around my age:

· Paul McCartney who recently said something like: “My new CD is a burning pile of shit but people will buy it anyhow”.
· Joe Torre who said “There’s still time for Manny to sign up”.
· Keith Richards who mumbled something.
· Mick Jagger, one of my all time favorites. A very cool guy who looks bad.
· Bob Dylan, also a favorite who looks way the hell old.

When researching ‘old’ rock stars I found many more ‘Dead’ Rock Star sites than live ones…
Old rock stars…an oxymoron?

I concluded that some of those guys look really old.
A few of my younger grandkids often slip up when talking to me and say “Papa, you look very, uh, er, um, nice today”…


Julie Hibbard said...

You look fabulous Pops! And Paul McCartney's got nothing on you!!
Life is good at EVERY age!!

I won't buy Paul's new album, and I'm counting on Manny! Keith and Mick don't look too hot, but they ARE hot!
You're older, but never old!!

Gina Vistaunet said...

I would marry Paul McCartney, Mick or Keith, Keith is my last choice. You look great!