Tuesday, July 15, 2008


For years it wasn't hard to notice my daughters bickering, OK, semi-bickering, every morning as they fought, OK, semi-fought, over what clothes to wear to school each day, much like what regular folks dressing for work each day must say to themselves…

Searching for the correct right bad word at that crucial moment is tough…some may say SOB which is not as bad as the first correct right bad word…whatever…

But I’ve had it made for years and years; I've always had, and still do, four or five beige Dockers in the closet to wear to work most days and I don’t have to ponder what color pants I should wear…OK, they’re slightly different tones of beige but guys have a hard time with fancy names like tope and khaki or even how to spell them...

I pick out one of dozens of golf shirts hanging in my closet and I match perfectly…in the winter I wear long sleeved shirts that match the Dockers …life is sweet…

I have a few pants (not beige) that I wear only when my spouse tells me I am a boring dresser…I heard beige is back in style...earth tones, yeah, whatever…


Gina Vistaunet said...

I own about 14 pairs of jeans and 12 black sweaters, 11 black tops, and 8 white shirts. Its a standard uniform that always matches.

Julie Hibbard said...

For the love of God! MOM tells YOU that you are a boring dresser???? Hellooooo! What is she? The queen of style? Paaaleeessse!
You can wear the same thing every single day. Who the hell cares? If you are comfortable and it's clean, life is good.
I wore a uniform til I was 35.
Life was REALLY good.

TSHarrison said...

What about blue jeans?
I have a few pairs of beige khakis and blue jeans.
And one suit...which I affectionately call my pimp suit...
Should be enough eh?