Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Last weekend I saw Mamma Mia, the movie…I’d heard it was a chick-flick and was hesitant to go…but I had little else going on and went with Donas and Sunny…not too many young men in the theater, mainly older gentlemen like myself with their dates...

The opening scene had three young women in bikinis swimming in shallow water on the beach…so then I thought it might just BE a good movie…until they started walking out of the water and one of them broke out in a SONG! I said to myself “I KNEW IT” and thought I should have brought a bottle of I went to buy some popcorn, chocolate and drinks…($20!) when I came back a different scene was going on with people actually not singing at each other but talking…freaking amazing to hear people talking in a musical comedy…

Long story short, it caught my attention and from that point forward I totally enjoyed the entire movie…I was not an ABBA fan back when even though I loved hearing "Dancing Queen", the theme song playing throughout the movie...I really loved the movie and could have stayed and watched it again…

We were sitting up in the last row and as we were walking down a couple of older gents were letting us pass...I (semi-jokingly) said to them "I'm coming back tomorrow to see it again"...the guy said to his friend "Hey, do you want to come back tomorrow and see it again...he said "Why not?"

What's happening to me?

1 comment:

Julie Hibbard said...

I don't think I'd go see it again. It's a once in a lifetime kind of movie.
I am not even sure it's a chick flick. Or maybe I'm not a chick.