Friday, June 20, 2008

Camping resort? Cold hot dog? Canned fresh?

OK, this is supposed to be my Friday off but had to come in for a few hours and while searching my computer for a word document I needed I found a list of special effect words...oxymorons...they cracked me up and for a cheap thrill I posted it...

Jumbo shrimp
Taped live
Alone together
Working vacation
Pretty ugly
Head butt
Customer satisfaction
Death benefits
A definite maybe
First annual
Adult children
Alone in a crowd
Almost surprised
Authentic replica
Boneless ribs
Awfully good
Chocolate vanilla wafers
Artificial grass
and my favorite new one: Disposable products with a lifetime guarantee...


Julie Hibbard said...

VERY good list!! 'First Annual' has always been a pet peeve for me!! I see this all the time and I think, "How do you know it's gonna happen again?"
Camping resort is next best.

Allison said...

This is fun!
I love camping resort...
or lifetime guarantee...