Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Things I wouldn’t eat if my life depended on it…thanks to Julie for this bright blog idea...

Squid flavored ice cream
Purple honey flavored sausages
Musk flavored life savors
Chocolate coated cockroaches
Preserved ant eggs
Crispy roasted larvlets…baby larva…
Giant water bugs in Thai red curry sauce

Sorry I couldn’t Google the photos too…

Bon appétit… NOT


Julie Hibbard said...

Are these real food items? Ugh! Sounds disgusting! I would not eat them either!
Gina used to love that show where people would eat live cockroaches and bugs and stuff for money.
I would barf on air.
Good blog!

Allison said...

I have the on-the-verge-of-barfing feeling after reading that list!
Yuck! Yuck! Yuck!

Eliane said...

Pete, that makes 2 of us.
Where on earth did you come up with that menu?

PETE Di LALLO said...


At the end some days I often have a need to blog so I read Julie's list of 75...
I may have gone way overboard with this one...
After several 'seconds' of Google-ing it felt good to have blogged, but a few minutes later thought "what in the heck did I just do?"

Heather McTaggart said...

Liver, Liver and Onions, Liver IN anything, liver ON anything...need I say more?
When I get my REAL computer back or I get lessons on how to REALLY use this one, I will jump into Julie's great list!