Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Reality my foot!!! I call it Blurred...

It’s become ‘real’ to us who work in the housing related industry as well as those who have bought houses with ‘unreal’ mortgages or those trying to buy houses…we now live in more difficult times…it’s hard to forget the 6 day work week we’ve had for the past seven or eight years…now I find myself working four or five days a week instead of six, coming in later in the morning and leaving earlier than ever before…and enjoying work less and less…
It’s common now for me to get home at 5:30 instead of 7:00, eat dinner and watch a few TV shows, all the time reading a good book and trying to find a new program…the writers’ strike has put a halt to almost all good shows…
reality’ shows have popped up and for the hell of it we watched “Bruno vs. Carrie Ann – The Dance Wars” last night…I’m almost ashamed to admit we watched it for fifteen minutes…what a bunch of crapola…a few nights before we watched American Gladiator, men and women, trying to maim each other…and it all sucks big time! I’ve been reading more and going to bed earlier and earlier…
During lunch today I went to Barnes and Noble at the Galleria in Riverside, not exactly a real galleria, but nice for the 951’ers and it’s close to my office …I bought a few new best sellers to read this week…
But talk about real luck… I’ll have to put a new book aside for a while tonight to watch one of our favorite shows and it’s a NEW episode of ’House’. Call me old…call me simple…


Julie Hibbard said...

Bring on Baseball Season for the love of God! I have seen every episode of Leave it to Beaver, I love Lucy and Andy Griffith now!
I hope you made it home for House.

Gina Vistaunet said...

Ya, there's nothing on tv. I hope they give those writers their 5cents they want so they will finish Grey's, Brothers and Sisters, and a few others. But I do love Biggest Loser. Its a good Tuesday night show.

Allison said...

I still have a few shows that are new, but my remote is broken!
It's like waiting for Christmas...I really want to open that box and watch my new TV! (who cares that I have 40 books waiting to be read?!)