Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Chess For Tots

While 'resting' in Hawaii I had the best time teaching my two grand daughters, Sunny 7 and Thea 5, the game of Chess...they'd spend hours each day in the spa and pool and towards the end when they were done we began by learning how each piece moves: laterally, diagonally, the Knights' special movements, the King who has limited power, the Queen who can do everything, and so on with the pawns who Thea called 'the little guys'... Rooks were forts and they couldn't figure out what the bishops were doing in this game...
After an hour of teaching moves almost each day they begged to play each other in a real a sucker, I mean a good grandpa, games was started...
They made a lot of errors with moves but learned more and more as the games proceeded...but like little kids they were only interested in capturing each other's pieces...I was severly accused of favoritism by each of them...
On the last day of playing I introduced 'Checking the King'...they were amazed and mad as hell for not telling them about checking was the most fun I had on vacation


Gina Vistaunet said...

It must have been fun seeing BTC 1 and BTC 2 fighting over who was the Chess winner.

Julie Hibbard said...

Chess with those two impatienetas?
Dear Lord...who got hit in the head with the flying rook?
You are a much better human being than I Peter DiLallo. Much better!

PETE Di LALLO said...

Gina and Julie,
I actually had a ball with the little ones...

OH! didn't I tell you I'd been drinking White Russians and Chi-Chi's all afternoon?

Steve Adams said...

I taught my six year old niece a combination chess/bocci ball game. You were allowed to toss your game pieces towards your opponent's pieces.. If they hit..and were moved off the square completely... You captured the flag and scored two points. You were allowed (two) do-overs per game...unless it was tournament play. My brother and I played the same game.. but with tequila.