Saturday, September 8, 2007

Two in one...SA-WEET!

I was tagged by Heather AND Julie to list eight random facts you might not know about me...

  1. I can not go to sleep with a closet door open...
  2. I get up early and shave with elec shaver at kitchen counter while reading LA Times or a book, with two coffees...
  3. I am not sarcastic, I'm not afraid of heights and I never lie!...
  4. I have very few dress shirts and almost always wear golf shirts...I hate ties...

  5. I much prefer watching rented CD movies at home than going to theaters...

  6. I hate clothes shopping and my wife buys all my clothes, except golf stuff...she buys shirts for me every time she shops and I must have close to 100 of them...

  7. I never know what to say when she says (while looking in my cramped closet): "You gotta get rid of some of these shirts"...

  8. When new acquaintances say to me "You have FIVE daughters? Any BOYS? I reply "NO...sometimes we didn't get anything"...

I am tagging new blogger Robin Brown, my niece in AZ and new blogger? Alex an -unblogging new friend...


Allison said...

The closet door one is sounds like something Gina would say!

Julie Hibbard said...

You are hilarious. Lucky you with five daughters...all pretty cool too. The shirts, the wife, the sarcasm??
All classic.
Love you Pops.

Heather McTaggart said...

HA HA! I love it! 5 daughter and I know 1 of them is GREAT and she produced a GREAT grand-daughter for you! THANKS for the BLOGGING and the INFO on yourself! As for your wife buying your clothes, I do the same for my hubby! He would shop at Goodwill if I didn't since he believes clothes are just too expensive! The closet door, does ANYONE sleep with it open? The boogie man would GET me if I did that!

Gina Vistaunet said...

I think its funny that you actually typed Sa-weet! Both Logan and Thatch HAVE to make sure the closet is closed. I can't see the closet from my bed, so that doesn't bother me. But I always have covers on me because I fear the toe-chopper-offer.