Thursday, July 5, 2007

Station wagons?

Remember the not-so-olden-days of afternoon drives in your family station wagons? It was a great family car that was first built by Ford in the late 1920’s up to today’s SUV’s. I’m sure you’ve all seen wonderful ‘woody’ wagons plus Chevy’s popular Nomad, Pontiac’s Safari Sport Wagon and maybe Oldsmobile’s Vista Cruiser that was about 20 feet long.

Today ‘crossover’ vehicles are now the latest craze sweeping the country. Except most people don’t know what they’re crossing over from or to. Some are modeled after traditional SUV’s; some look like small SUV’s; some look like mini-vans. They are not a car, mini-van or SUV.
They are Crossovers but they’re really station wagons.


Julie Hibbard said...

I loved our station wagon with the paneling! Remember your joke about that? It can be your next post!
Love ya pops!

PETE Di LALLO said...

You mean the White Buick? That was in 1988 and you gotta help me remember...

Brent said...

Nomads are awesome - the cars, not the roaming people groups.

PETE Di LALLO said...

Julie's joke is:
two guys bought a new woody station wagon and had it delivered to their house...they immediately started ripping and pulling the wood and paneling off the car...when they were done one of them said:" I think it looked better in the delivery crate"...

Heather McTaggart said...

Now...that joke is funny!