Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Alli looks gorgeous and other stuff

Saw favorite granddaughter's new look today...Holy Mackeral man!!! what a beaut!!! makes her look semi-Kenyan with that black hair...but I love her too as a 'natural' blond, kinda like her 'naturally blond' Momma...
still waiting for Baby Sarah to deliver a 'Sibling for Sunny'...(good name for a book or movie, eh?)
I'm saying a few Hail Mary's for the quick and safe delivery of our 8th grandkid...hoping it's a girl to even the score at 4 to 4...
tomorrow's Sassy's birthday...
Mahalo? or is it Alhoa?


Julie Hibbard said...

Ok...I am going to change my blog to make THIS your blogspot.
Yeah! Go change the template to something more like you...
when you sign in, you can click template and choose from like 20 different ones!

Allison said...

I changed it to this one too...

I don't actually have black hair...I am just thinking about it...still blonde...

love the blogger Papa!

Matt Jensen said...

"Sibling For Sunny" sounds like it'd be a light-hearted, romantic-comedy involving an elementray aged kid who helps two work driven adults slow down and appriciate the simple things in life which causes them to fall in love and deliver a sibling (for Sunny)