Sunday, August 22, 2010


The Oxford dictionary's newest words... some words hard to believe, some words most interesting and a few words that don't mean what you think...

It's early on Sunday and baseball games haven't started, golf tournaments are barely underway and I just finished reading the Sunday L.A. Times , so I'm spending a little time browsing the internet, the latest word replacing surfing and I'm discovering the words of the year are 'un-friend' and 'de-friend'...if you're a facebooker you know what it means...
other newest words...

chillax - telling someone to chill out and relax...
paywall - a web term blocking access to a website to be reviewed by paid up subscribers only...
vuvuzella - the horn instrument buzzing in the stands during World Soccer...
LBD - little black dress...
staycation - not travelling outside your city, state or country for vacation...
cheeseball - a person lacking in taste or style...
blamestorming - finding someone to blame for a mistake...
gaydar - a gay person's ability to find another gay...
grrrl - a young woman regarded as strange and aggressive in her attitude to men or her sexuality...
threequel - the 3rd film, book or event in a series...can fourquel be far behind?
screenager - persons in their teens or twenties with aptitudes for computers...
ego-surfing - searching the internet for your own name or website...
meatspace - the physical world, as opposed to virtual...
benjamin - $100 bill...

words that don't mean what you think...
irregardless - means nothing, not a word, regardless says it all...
peruse - means the opposite of skimming or browsing thru a book... it means to read with care...

1 comment:

Julie Hibbard said...

I LOVE these! I ego surf to see if I am still #1 with Google. (Yep, as of today anyway!)
Staycation is used often now...tho it sounds painful to me! My gaydar is always on the blink too...
Gonna peruse the rest of the blogs on my list...then head out to the meatspace in search of a cheeseball! :)