Monday, June 29, 2009


It's said that only 11% of us over 68 use text messaging and
old age begins at 68' according to every one...and I am one of the 11 %...
Julie, Gina and Allison taught me how and I've been doing it for quite a while; my clients text me too and I think it beats calling...

I remember my first text was to my grandson Thatcher and I wrote: "How are ya?" Had it been last week I may have written How R U? But I knew no shortcuts back then...
He answered back:"Who is this?" instead of DIKY (do I know you?) he was new at it too...

These days I rarely use shortcuts and I'd rather write out's not worth it to me to save a few seconds of time capitalizing, punctuating and writing for real...



Julie Hibbard said...

OMG! You nearly invented texting! We've been texting each other for years!
Thank you for being one of the 11%. The other 89% are complaining that their kids don't call them. While you are texting yours!!!


Gina Vistaunet said...

LMAO! I'm so happy you text. U R gr8. I type things out too. It's much easier. My favorite commercial is when the mom asks the daughter who she is talking so much to and she says, "IDK, my BFF Jill"?

Luv U.