Monday, December 1, 2008

That loving feeling…

Home sweet home and turkey sandwiches...

Thanksgiving day our home was ‘entertained’ by family and friends…

Saturday we put on another gig for Bum’s side of the family...most of her family, nieces and a grand niece... four of our daughters, sons-in-law, grandsons and grand daughters and lotsa friends…27 in all…and ex-next door neighbors…

For two days we had some guests I related to quite closely: those with annoying habits, sarcastic wits…

Most had loving natures who spoke the truth; some spoiled, totally out of track with reality, slightly bitchy, passive-aggressive and crazy…

A great bunch that made the entire weekend the best in a long time!!!

I loved them all...

Turkey sandwiches are the best...


Julie Hibbard said...

Wow!!! LOVE the description of our family!!! I hope I am not one of the "spoiled, totally out of track with reality, slightly bitchy, passive-aggressive and crazy" ones!!!

Gina Vistaunet said...

I'm the slightly bitchy one! You're the crazy one Juj.