Monday, October 6, 2008


Since my mother's passing holy cards have been constantly on my mind...
A few grandkids asked me what they mother collected them for years and told us a few months ago she had dozens she wanted buried with her...and we did...

HOLY CARDS are a mass produced devotional used by the Catholic faithful...

I collected them as a kid in Montreal but after filling my Sunday missal with them I stopped...

they’re a bit smaller than a driver’s license and each card depicts a saint or bible scene and provides a suitable prayer. The cards are all different, some good ones and some hard to interpret...The good ones promised indulgences and time off of purgatory sentences for sins you have to serve for screwing up on earth.

Purgatory (and Limbo) no longer exist...I'm not sure if I'm going to hell or not for losing my Holy Cards or a few screw ups on earth...

Baseball cards are much more fun to collect but I don't think they count as time off for anything...


Gina Vistaunet said...

Holy cards!! Nana's house was filled with them. I'm glad you put them with her. She will feel much better.

Stephanie Ragland said...

Sorry to hear about your Mom passing :( Lots of love to you DiLallo's!

PETE Di LALLO said...

Thanks Stephanie...
hope you all are well...