Monday, August 25, 2008

Falling for Fall

Every year about this time I start getting antsy about the arrival of fall…
Even if it’s still hot and will be even hotter next month there’s coolness in the morning that’s a sign there’s relief around the corner…

But before taking a trip to your local nursery plan to add some organic matter to your soil that will bring the soil to a rich dark color…mulch it into the soil a good twelve inches or so…not an easy job so you may want to hire a gardener to do it…planting is much easier and more fun...

Now you’ll be about ready to plant but do a little homework before you head out and buy those flats of color for your garden…typical fall annual plants are plentiful…
The list includes the usual multi-colored pansies, snapdragons, petunias and the border plants alyssum, and blue lobelias. Stocks are good for adding fragrance to the bed and don’t forget the ever-popular kale and cabbage…directions for spacing the plant apart are usually in the plant trays...

Don't forget that these plants look swell in pots too...

If you’re caught for time try seeding some annuals to create a nice wildflower bed… a good low maintenance alternative…don’t forget to irrigate and keep weeding until the plants begin to touch and grow together…apply water soluble fertilizers to keep the nutrition up…

I bet you’re like me and can’t wait for fall…


Gina Vistaunet said...

Thanks for the tips. I love gardening and planting plants. I usually plant everything in pots because my soil is like clay. Maybe I'm not adopted afterall.

Julie Hibbard said...

Eliane and I are reading blogs this morning...we love your advice and I wish I had a garden period. I long for the days when I used to dig and mulch and water and plant and dream of my beautiful flowers!
Eliane said her fall garden will be a snowbank. She said she'll talk garden with you next spring.