Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Safer? Can you hear me?

Very useful for Moms and Dads...the fisherman must have more important thing to do than fish.

I drive a lot and because it's the law I bought a Blue Tooth speaker phone over the weekend...
But I have to agree with KFI's Ken and John who researched how much these devises save lives...
THEY DON'T...the single most thing that causes accidents is TALKING on the phone which causes our brains to pay 40% less attention to the road...listen to them on KFI 640, they've been talking about it for days...
The law says it's OK to dial your cell while driving...just dialing, at least on my phone, takes my eyes off the road...even before I bought this 'gadget' I hardly called anyone while driving...but at least now I can receive calls and answer by tapping a button...

The one I bought attaches with a clip to the sun visor and when it rings I tap it and start talking...


Julie Hibbard said...

I am going to call you--I want to talk to the man on your GPS! I almost got in an accident today trying to untagle and plugg in the damn earpiece thing.
I am sure the bluetooth company lobbied for that law!

Gina Vistaunet said...

The funniest thing about this new law is that you are allowed to text still. Have you tried to text while driving? That is an accident waiting to happen. I'm a two handed texter and have to look what I'm texting. That is totally "hands free" driving.