Thursday, May 1, 2008

May Day

May 1 has become a day of political protest and not at all like it was celebrated in the ‘olden’ days…today in downtown L.A. illegal aliens will be walking and marching to City Hall in protest of their ‘rights’…

May 1 used to be a day celebrating the advent of summer when English people woke up at daybreak to gather flowers in the woods, take them to the center of town where a Maypole was set up decorated with flowers…the people then ‘did a little dance’…I don’t know what they did after that…

Mayday is still an emergency code word for distress…
the word comes from the French ‘venez m’aider’, literally meaning come and help me…


Julie Hibbard said...

Your imaginary friend is hiding from you is hilarious!! Reminds me of Calvin and Hobbes.
I never knew this about May Day. If they were listening to KC after they did a little dance, they would 'make a little love and get down tonight!"

Allison said...

I love the mayday at the are brilliant.

Gina Vistaunet said...

I love the second May Day best. I would love to dance around a pole with flowers. They were the first pole dancers.