Thursday, February 28, 2008

Nothing to do and all day to do it…

"Too much free time on my hands"
It’s hard for me to believe such a thing but it’s OK to take a break from real work…our country’s economic times has reduced our work to ‘slow’ even tho our President claims we are not in a recession but an ‘economic downturn’…
Blogging is the best medicine for me…I can’t play golf every day…

So to pass time there's a few things I’d like to know:

How come the Canadian dollar is now worth more than ours? Not long ago their money was worth 65 cents to our dollar and one had to exchange $1,000 Canadian to get $750 American…now it’s worth more than ours and will likely mean more of my relatives will be visiting us soon…if their dollar has more purchasing power, there’s eleven feet on snow on the ground and they’re freezing their butts of, let ‘em come…it should help our economy…

How come I can’t find the spark plugs under my hood anymore…there’s so much stuff attached to the engine these days…years ago when we had VW’s we could change the plugs, points and oil in twenty minutes…now you have to have the cars serviced…
I’d like to know how not to gain ten pounds when the relatives come down for a week…

What do you think about Cal Poly graduates in Landscape Architecture, experts on almost all computer programs, especially on AutoCAD, the program on which we draw all our plans, but they can not spell or write? We’re talking about pressing ‘spell-check’ but they don’t, and I’m talking about simple ordinary every day words and a few botanical names and the jargon we use…these people can not design on paper and when they see how our hand drawn designs they’re blown away…they can hardly write in freehand and can’t print legibly… drives me nuts, we try to teach them but they think if it can’t be done on a computer it ain’t worth doing…these people were the first to go during this ‘economic downturn…
What time is it anyhow? Four o'clock? Man I have to get out of here...


Heather McTaggart said...

4:00...get out of there and go where? Golf anyone? It's unheard of to have my husband walk in any earlier than 7pm! I think we would ALL faint if he walked in any earlier, there would have to be a great reason! Oh that's right, when he is going to a baseball game he leaves work at 4, I LOVE THOSE DAYS!

Julie Hibbard said...

I wish I could send you on a "Golf around America" tour...
I would buy you an amazing motor home and you (and mom can go too) could travel the country for as long as you want...YOU could golf at every great golf course in America. And mom, well...hmmm...she could see if perhaps she could go to every TARGET along the way! You could blog about it the whole time!

I sing the "too much time on my hands" song sometimes too.
I relax a lot more these days, walk a lot, kick back on the patio and listen to tunes and read a whole lot more than I ever could before! And I write and write and write and write.
I know you do the same.
Then it's 4pm.
Lent is over least you can start wrestling alligators again!

brad johnson said...

Spring fever intensifies the need to "go." My office has no windows, so at least twice a day I walk around the block here in the valley. Face turned to the sun, like a flower, I soak in the rays, and then back to the tasks of work. And I write...

brad johnson said...

Spring fever intensifies the need to "go." My office has no windows, so at least twice a day I walk around the block here in the valley. Face turned to the sun, like a flower, I soak in the rays, and then back to the tasks of work. And I write...

Gina Vistaunet said...

You are quite the blogger, pictures and all. Nice blog. I have a lot of time on my hands too, so I drink wine!