Monday, October 15, 2007


I love the title of this blog......
For the past 14 days my cousins from Montreal stayed with us and almost the only thing we did was eat...every type of restaurant and store bought foods.... we delivered them to John Wayne this morning...Honest to God they made ham sandwiches before they left so they wouldn't have to buy food on the plane...they're going to call us tonight and let us know if they got the sandwiches on board...
Louie , yeah that's his real name, and Nicole his wife, and brothers Tony, Pep, Chas (Carlo) and some of their children have owned and managed Di Lallo Burger restaurants inherited from their father, my Uncle Louie, my father's brother, who opened the first store over 75 years ago....
I swear to God they're called Di Lallo Burgers and they're made with a combo of beef, lettuce, tomatoes and semi-hot peppers and grilled onions, on a special stove that gets the bun browned and hot...their burgers are like potato chips; you can't eat just one...the peppers increase your appetite...
In between shopping excursions and eating out, we watched football games both weekends, baseball playoffs just about every night and lots of hockey games... they talked about their families, their staff of servers, drivers (they've been delivering way before Domino's)...Their store is in a residential neighborhood common place in large cities.
Last night we stayed up late looking at old photos of our Di Lallo relatives all the while eating Italian fruitcake the ladies is a fabulous fruitcake if you like's called Chumbalone in Italian which I think means "the crops are dieing" or the "cattle" or something like that...
Then, when it was quite late, I asked them about their patrons who came into the store which they had promised to tell us about...Nicole said: "Let's tell them about the 3 Fat Little French Guys" who came in a few weeks ago, as they were busting a gut laughing, coughing and spitting up...they must have laughed for 15 minutes and we never heard the story...
but the Title is so cool I had to use it today...I'll find out about the 3 guys and blog if it's worth it...


Julie Hibbard said...

FREAKING hilarious!!!!
The cattle are dying!
I always thought "chumbalone" meant doorstop or brick in Italian!
I love the thought of DiLallo burgers. Did you know that my friend, Marty went to DiLallo burgers in December of 2004? Yep...and had dinner with Mario.
Yeah, good DiLallo burger memories!!

PETE Di LALLO said...

Julie, you're correct about the doorstops and bricks...
When my mother made them each Christmas she froze a dozen or so and gave them to us during the year, on Religious holidays of course, and after they were thawed out they WERE like bricks but still good...

Heather McTaggart said...

Agreed...FREAKING HILARIOUS! Great blog my friend! Miss comment blogging with you! This is a great one!

Ange said...

Where have you been? Miss your blogs!