Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Juju's got a brand new phone...

After months of telling me how much she wished she had a BlackBerry phone like mine Julie finally and happily bought one for herself...I'd been telling her how great it was that I could read e-mails and blogs as well as write and respond to important e-mails while away from my computer...

My version BlackBerry is four or five years old while her new one has neat new gadgets like allowing her to add phone numbers and addresses to her computer that automatically enter her phone..
on mine I have to attach a cord and go thru too many configurations...and I can always wait tillI get home or the office to write someone...

Congrats Julie...nicely done...BUT I intended to buy her the phone for Christmas and now didn't know what to I wrote Emily Post:

Dear Miss Post,
Can you help with my dilemma...I intended to buy a BlackBerry phone for my daughter's Christmas present but she went and bought it herself...what should I do?
signed: Peter D.
Dear Mr. D: